So this is late but I wanted to do it so fuck it. I'm thankful for quite a lot. I'm thankful for... a few of my family members ( like 2... maybe 3). I'm thankful for my friends who have always been there for me and supported me in this career path I've chosen. I especially appreciate how my friends have never simply been yes men, but instead have always been willing to stand up to me and tell me when they think I'm in the wrong as well as listen to my criticism of them when I bring it to their attention. I'm extremely thankful for how far I've come in my career, and very thankful to the people I've worked with along the way. Finally I'm thankful to my current clients and clients who have actually become good friends of mine. If I haven't messaged you in a bit, don't take it personally I've just been busy. I'm gonna try to be a bit more social so if any of you want to add me on facebook or Psn let me know. (Facebook I will be slightly more selective with.) Hopefully I haven't missed anything or anyone. Thank you anyone who read this and happy belated thanksgiving.